Thursday, July 1
The Lone Pregnant Belly Shot
Well, I think this is all we're going to get in way of pregnancy belly shots so enjoy. It's from this week; I'm officially at 9.5 months. For comparative sake, the image below is from when I was 9.5 months preggers with Hunter and thusly the weight of a small (but sizable) house. Phew.
Wednesday, June 9
Baby Peanut Update
Thursday, June 3
The View From Way Up Here
Tuesday, June 1
Growing Up With Big Brothers
Photo courtesy of Ashley Ann Photography, Under The Sycamore:
You may have noticed by its listing on the left side of our blog that I'm deeply, madly, truly in love with Ashley Ann: Under The Sycamore. The photography is awe-inspiring and her DIY crafts are always worth a try, not to mention the beautiful yet professional blog layout which is far superior to any of the templates here at Blogspot (read: obvious jealousy).
And with a Baby Girl Peanut on board (due 6 weeks from today!!), Friday's Sycamore post titled Growing Up With Big Brothers really spread a warm smile on my face. Why? Because our Baby Girl will have a wonderful big brother as her role model, her tree-climbing partner, her rock-throwing coach, her how-to-properly-run-through-a-sprinkler trainer, her 'here's how to scream at the top of your lungs' instructor, her 'let's stay up all night on Christmas and not let mommy or daddy get any sleep' tutor and her best friend. Their little one donning a denim dress and Spiderman costume head? Adorable. And SO in our very near future. :) Enjoy.
Monday, May 31
Things We Are Loving This Week
- 3-day holiday weekends that allow us to do things like say, RELAX (oh and some much-needed housework like spreading mulch, cleaning gutters and starting the demo of the tile on the front stairs)
- Hunter's newest words and phrases: "the piccups" (translation: hiccups), 'livery truck's not here today!, calerpillar
- Being 6 weeks away from finally meeting our Baby Girl Peanut!
- H's discovery of toddler-favorite, the Bob the Builder cartoon on PBS Sprout
- The memories of our beloved lilacs growing alongside the fence this year
- My latest pregnancy cravings: chai creme frappuchinos from Starbucks and corn Chex cereal
- Our new favorite TV series, Party Down on STARZ (created by actor Paul Rudd and friends)
- Maternity undies (sorry to all male readers but they are just. so. damn. comfortable.)
- Clothes shopping for Baby Girl... and this dress that snuck its way into my shopping bag :)
- Hearing President Barack Obama give his regards to the University of Michigan graduating class of 2010 by declaring "It's great to be here in the Big House. And so may I say 'GO BLUE!'". You may read the entire speech here.
- This adorable pillow from Etsy seller OutonalimbDesign which will make an stinkin' cute addition to Baby Peanut's room
Monday, May 24
This Just In
At first, I was hesitant to agree to the 13th (I mean HELLO isn't 13 an UNLUCKY NUMBER?), but then I realized something else: It's just a number. And for us, it will now forever be a good one.
Here's to 7 weeks and counting!
Thursday, May 13
Out With The Old, In With The New
Wednesday, May 12
What Are YOU Doing July 12th?
Wait a minute (Slight freak out moment): That's just 2 months from TODAY. I'd better get moving on those nursery decorations... and stocking up on those baby girl clothes... and getting H into his Big Boy room... Lots to do, less than 9 weeks to do it...
Monday, May 10
Head Shot
Luckily my mom was on scene to assess and provide support in the form of a cold compress.
Not wanting to be outdone, Hunter also demanded he receive an 'ice pack' (read: a wet paper towel). The aftermath appears below.
Tuesday, May 4
I Love Me Some Whole Foods' Peanut Butter Pows Cereal
Sunday, May 2
Ladies Lunching... Er, Breakfasting
One of my favorite Royal Oak haunts used to be an adorable little cosmetics store called Poppy Beauty Bar. Unfortunately I preface this with 'used to be' as with the downturn of the economy and all it's negatives, Poppy also became victim to financial crisis and closed. I was crushed as I had become fond of Poppy's owner, Theresa, who fed me all my Royal Oak gossip and always encouraged me to try new products.
One of the other things I admired about Theresa was her love for new breakfast nooks on a weekly basis: It became common practice for her to snag the New York Times crossword puzzle and venture to a new restaurant for breakfast every Sunday (her only day off from Poppy mind you!). And it was with this same inspiration in mind that our ladies Breakfast Club was born: Once a month Laura, Katie, Melissa and I get together for breakfast, lots of chatting and some delicious eats. We take turns selecting a place to meet (in rotating order by birthday), and escape for a little girl time. So far our adventures have taken us to:
- January: Cafe Muse in Royal Oak. May I suggest the Mascarpone-Stuffed French Toast?
- February: Beverly Hills Grille in Beverly Hills. Carrot cake pancakes... say no more!
- March: Pete's Broadway Cafe in Ferndale. Challah French Toast (which Laura lovingly pronounces with the 'ch')
- April: Toast in Birmingham. Yummmmm. Grand Marnier French Toast (are you sensing a theme here?)
- May (today!): Good Girls Go To Paris Crepes in Detroit. The "Kay" crepe was to die for!
So be inspired! Try something new this week. (And it always helps to bring a few good girlfriends along to share in the fun!)
Tuesday, April 27
The President Is Coming! The President Is Coming!
Photo from 4/27/2010 article "What deficit? Obama's University of Michigan appearance boosts Ann Arbor economy" by Nathan Bomey
I mean seriously. I had a Pultizer-Prize winning journalist whose speech was on par with the dull bore that is Clint Eastwood's 'acting skill' (sorry). PJ's class was entertained (and I use that term loosely) by the likes of our current Michigan governor attempting to rouse the crowd with her vapid cheers of 'USA! USA!'. And the 2010 graduating class of UofM will be treated this Saturday to a commencement address by none other than President Barack Obama? I. Am. Jealous.
My favorite little tidbit about Obama's arrival in my beloved A-squared? The return of Barack-y Road Gelato at Zingermans.
Side note: My husband has never forgiven me for dragging him (and I quote) 'kicking and screaming' to eat at Zingermans'. Apparently the luster of this famed deli is limited only to those with Wolverine hearts... and taste buds. (Sorry honey.)
If you'd like to read the full article about Ann Arbor's preparations for their presidential visit, please enjoy this newsworthy bit from
When we were little, my brother and I used to walk along the railroad ties used as garden borders at my mom's house -- it was definitely a kid thing.
You can imagine my delight in seeing Hunter following in the footsteps of his Mommy and Uncle Juniper from this picture my mom shot over the weekend. (And yes, it's still a kid thing.)
Monday, April 26
We're Registered
So in the event you are in need of some ideas for Baby Peanut gifts, feel free to check out our small hitlist at Babies R Us or by clicking here.
Things We Are Loving This Week
- Hearing car noises from HWB's room at 5 o'clock in the morning
- H's latest words and phrases: 'Blinky' truck (i.e. any truck with flashers on), iwannagoOUTside!, mommy, what you DOIN'?, caller-pitter (caterpillar)
- Being informed that every bridge we pass under is 'not a choo-choo bridge, that's a MACK TRUCK bridge!'
- Finding worms in the dirt in the backyard, picking them up and racing them across the lawn screaming 'LOOKIT! I FOUND A SNAKE!'
- Officially entering the 3rd trimester! Here's to being 28 weeks and 3 days preggers with Baby Peanut.
- Getting a weekend to just Brad and I (and special thanks to my mom for playing host to HWB for Friday and Saturday night this past weekend)
- Test driving new cars... and then realizing my Mazda lease is up in 2, not 3 months. Um, yikes! Ford Edge, here we come.
- Homemade yogurt parfaits and Pellegrino -- this week's baby food cravings
- My latest LPOTD sighting... and giggling at the fact that on any other vehicle, this would have been highly inappropriate:
- Enjoying a Saturday a.m. breakfast at what may be one of my favorite new restaurants: what crepe in Royal Oak was flawless, from the adorable menus fashioned from French record jackets to the delicious goodness that was my Sweet Cheese with Baked Apple Crepe
- Florence + The Machine and their 'Dog Days Are Over' tune. One of the best 99 cent purchases ever.
- Reading Paste Magazine's The 30 Best Beer Bars In America, and noticing one of our favorites on the list -- The Toronado in San Francisco
- DiorShow BlackOut Mascara, a personal splurge courtesy of Sephora's recent 15% off Makeup Madness Sale
Tuesday, April 20
Oh I'm On To You
YOU who I check in on 3 minutes later after convincing myself you're tearing daycare apart in your campaign to force me to quit my job and spend every waking moment with your adorable little face -- and in those 3 minutes, you've become so enamored by a book, truck, bowl of cereal, you've completely forgotten my existence.
Sunday, April 18
Well There You Have It
Ways of attempting to look at the silver lining include:
3. We can now save $82 a month in phone bills
2. I've always wondered what the secret is behind Blackberry Messenger
1. It's a chance to try out a new phone number (I've had my current one for 11 years).
So farewell old friend. Despite being forced to mask as a PC, you and I both know I'm really a Mac at heart.
Thursday, April 15
Your Thursday Morning Funny
I mention this because one initial potty training step is to leave the door open and use the restroom in front of Hunter so he can start to understand what the toilet is for, i.e. Ms. Bathroom Modesty's worst nightmare. But I've been doing it.
Often, Hunter will wander in for a quick minute, flush the toilet behind me and just run out.
Today on the other hand = different story:
Hunter: MOMMY, what you doin'?
Me: Mommy's going potty.
Hunter: Why you potty?
Me: Um...
Hunter: (mocking) UM
Me: ... Because Mommy had to go pee-pee.
Hunter: (thinking) Pee-pee.
Hunter then stoops down by my feet, grabs ahold of my knee and tries to cram his head between my legs. I'm wearing a dress.
Me: (blushing furiously; convinced I have not only scarred my child for life but also deciding this new Open Door policy should stand only for the boys in the house. And in case you didn't pick up on this, 'Mister Man' is what we have nicknamed Hunter's er, boy anatomy.) Mommy doesn't have a Mister Man.
Hunter: YOU NO MISTER MAN?!??!!
Me: Only Hunter and Daddy have Mister Mans.
Hunter: (Obviously quite perplexed, vacates the bathroom quietly. A few moments later I hear him talking to his stuffed Mickey Mouse and Pandora in his room) Mommy goes pee-pee! Daddy have Mister Man. Hunter have Mister Man. Mommy no pee-pee with Mister Man.
I can only pray Hunter doesn't attempt to hold the same conversation with his friends at daycare today or else I'll have a lot of explaining to do about my relationship with this 'Mister Man.'
Monday, April 12
A Cool Cat
Tuesday, March 30
Belly Cam: Baby Peanut Loves Cadbury Eggs
Thursday, March 25
Things I Get Really, Really Excited About
2. Finally beginning to uncover some of the mysteries associated with ABC's Lost
1. New promos for one of my favorite shows, Glee. Like the one below:
Wednesday, March 24
Healthcare Reform: How Do You Feel?
Perhaps a bad example, but you may understand where I'm going with this point. Which is this: Regardless of what side of the fence you reside on re: healthcare reform, a monumental and historic step was made this week. It's one that will shape the future of our country and of the way we care for our fellow countrymen. You may not agree with all of the terms (heck, I'm not sure that I do), but I fully support the message behind the bill signed into law yesterday. And that's the beauty of it: This law can be modified, optimized and improved. It's not an end-all/be-all and certainly won't fix everything wrong with the present health system. What I don't support are all of the naysayers who have narry an idea to their names in replacement, but rather keep running their mouth in access about what won't work. BRING SOMETHING TO THE TABLE WHY DON'T YOU?!
And because my written eloquence compares little to this following excerpt from Nancy Giles, a CBS Sunday Morning contributer, I'll leave you with her words (character assassinations aside, I hope you'll just take in her message):
"(It) is a crucial first step, and can be amended and improved, but doing nothing is not an option. Health care should be a basic human right. And no one should be uninsured, or underinsured, or go broke paying their medical bills in the richest country in the world."
Sunday, March 21
Thursday, March 18
Things We Are Loving This Week
- Little baby kicks and flutters, courtesy of Baby Peanut
- Being greeted at the end of a workday with MOMMY!!!! shouted from across the daycare
- H's latest words and phrases: lookitlookitTHAT!seethat?YOUSEETHAT?, (said with utter enthusiasm) 'um, OKAY!!'
- Planning for our 5-year anniversary trip: Savannah? Big Sur? Or Mexico?
- This week's random pregnancy cravings: raspberry sorbet and slices of challah
- The return of spring Mom2Mom sales, with the finest pickings starting at a mere 25 cents. I am LOVING this little gem for Baby Peanut's 2nd official Michigan football season (Ryann/Christian: Seriously ladies, try to contain your excitement!)
- The expectation of new music from She And Him: due out Tuesday, 3/23
- My new job and my new team. They're utterly fantastic!
- The anticipation of Baby Stropp's arrival to our dear friends, Heath and Dee
- Watching Brad embrace his new passion: running. I've never been more proud of someone accomplishing a 12-mile 'jog'
- The presence of Time Magazine in Detroit. Reading all they chronicle is enough for the people of southeast Michigan to realize action is needed in order to transform this great city.
- Cadbury Mini Eggs... and receiving a care package from my mom containing multiple packets of them
- Prepping the yard for spring... and finally purchasing these adorable herb garden markers from a faved Etsy seller
The Strangest Check I've Ever Written
Friday, March 12
The Top 5 Reasons Why I Know My New Agency Is For Me
4. Free fruit Mondays and free bagel Thursdays.
3. They actually BUY YOU office supplies to stock your new office with. Oh and by the way, I actually HAVE an office. With a door. And walls.
2. There are currently 2 girls wheeling a case of beer around on an office chair asking people if they'd like a late Friday afternoon beverage.
1. It is located a mere 9 DOORS AWAY FROM ANTHROPOLOGIE. I rest my case.
Thursday, March 11
An Open Declaration To All Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Etc.
And so I make this following declaration to all you grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and anonymous blog voyeurs alike: YOU NOW HAVE THE GREEN LIGHT TO PURCHASE BABY GIRL BOBENMOYER CLOTHES AT WILL. I repeat: Purchase at will. And yes, ruffles, polka dots and all things pink are absolutely accepted.
Tuesday, March 9
Day #2 of being in my new work digs has ended and it has definitely been an adjustment rejoining the adult workforce. I'm enjoying getting to know my new co-workers and office layout (not to worry, I nailed the location of the women's rooms in the first 15 minutes of being in the building!), however was dealt a blow today when I heard the following words: Our e-mail systems are not compatible with iPhones and the AT&T service within the building is horrendous. You will need to get a Blackberry. A BLACKBERRY. As in no App Store, no scroll screens, no Apple love. Just boring, run-of-the-mill, every-Creative-type's-worst-nightmare Blackberry. And so I choose: Carry 2 phones with me at all times (personal = iPhone and business = Blackberry), or bite the bullet, be thankful of an $82/month savings and transfer everything over to a new Blackberry. Lend me your thoughts in the Comments section below.
P.S. Lose the iPhone and I also lose access to my newest fave app, ToonArt -- responsible for transforming the above photo of HWB into a fun, colorful new pic. Decisions!
Wednesday, March 3
The Scoop
Monday, March 1
Catch Some Zzzzz's
Friday, February 26
Baby Girl Bobenmoyer
Although Baby Girl Peanut was completely uninterested in sitting still for the ultrasound camera, the tech was able to capture some truly incredible images. And for those of you keeping track: We are at 20 weeks and 1 day in our countdown to the day a baby girl joins our happy clan.
So on to the photos: Here's a good almost-full-length shot where Peanut is flexing her arm over her head but has her leg crunched up by her side.
Profile shot: Hello little nose and lips!
At one point, she extended her leg up over her head (I mean seriously, how DO we expect her to stretch out in there?) and gave us a flash of one hand.
Okay... so maybe I did splurge on ONE adorable outfit. But seriously, who could resist?
Things We Are Loving This Week
- Hunter asking 'what's that name???' for practically everything he sees
- H's insistence that he sleep with a box of Honey Nut Cheerios last night (and fortunately, the lid stayed shut tight due to the massive amounts of Scotch tape I affixed)
- The latest words/phrases in our house: amb-lance (replacing my much loved ah-nee-nah), dontwantthat!, 'ment' truck (a cement mixer), daddy - are you??? (said when trying to find Brad in the house: notice the absence of the 'where')
- That H has caught on to my nickname for Brad (Bub), but instead has revised it slightly and started calling him BOB
- My new, delicious-smelling, apricot-scented Henri Bendel candle: little pricey but soooo worth it
- Hitting the Bob The Builder exhibit at the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum... and reliving my youth while standing in the bubble machine
- Stomping in puddles and kicking large snow drifts... and then having Mommy ring out our shoes
- Canned pears and chocolate milk (pregnancy thing)
- Feeling Baby Peanut flutter around ALOT
- Our newly-painted, freshly-decorated bathroom! Click photo to to enlargen.
- LOST has finally returned!
- The song Goin' Home by Dan Auerbach from the Up In The Air soundtrack (buy. it. now.)
- The partially-grey/partially-beige nail polish color that's all the rage in Hollywood right now (and currently donned on my 2 hands). Take a look at Essie's Chinchilly here. Don't believe me? Connect to the source of all things fashionable (InStyle) here and they'll tell you what's up.
- That Conan O'Brien has finally joined Twitter. And GD is he hilarious.
- Learning that even President Obama understands the power of social media and thusly is hiring a Royal Twitter
- Discussing baby names :)
- Prepping for our first Date Night in a long time. Roast @ Book-Cadillac, HERE WE COME!
Thursday, February 25
Tuesday, February 23
Dump Truck & Caboose French Toast
A Little Bait And Switch
and 'Gramps' yet. So if this moniker describes you or your spouse, please give my esteemed hubby a phone call because frankly I'm dying to start posting some new Baby Peanut pics!! <-- Note the very gender-neutral green color being used for the time being.)
And on to one of today's posts which I'll call Bait and Switch.
The background is this: I did the unthinkable and bought an orchid from Ikea. Ikea! See Brad and I have been known to starve an orchid or 2 in our time, which is why said purchase is so laughable. But surprisingly, this one did very well until Brad was gone in Orlando last week, I opted to do some cleaning and unintentionally moved the orchid in front of the *ahem* heating vent. Blooms started curling up and spitting off the plant almost instantly. Granted, it wasn't in the best of shape to begin with but still: Please refer to below Old picture as reference.
Not wanting Brad to return home and chastise my mistake and debunk any further orchid purchases, H and I promptly went in search of a replacement orchid to pull the ole' bait 'n switch (please see New). Let's just say Brad hasn't noticed a thing to this date. Ha!
Friday, February 19
The Recipe For A Little More Laughter In Life
1. Invite your Uncle Juniper over to visit (I mean, who doesn't have an Uncle Juniper?)
2. Grab your cell phone (or in this case, Play-Doh presses work perfectly)
3. Engage in a little game of Telephone
Bake at 350 degrees. Enjoy coupled with extreme laughter.
Thursday, February 18
Before & After
If you're looking for some design inspiration, I've linked both the Design*Sponge and Before & After mentions above and encourage you to take a peek.
The Little Hearts Project
"Ideas and inspirations to help instill into the hearts of young children compassion, kindness and the value of giving to others."
I am so passionate about the message this blog represents that you'll notice I've also added a link to it on the left sidebar under the heading "Blogs We're Loving". Even if you don't have little ones in your home, you know someone who does -- and I hope you'll encourage them to check it out.
Wednesday, February 17
Listen and Repeat
My nose turned up a bit upon hearing Justin Timberlake tackling such a feat for the Haiti telethon (sorry JT) -- but all I needed to do was listen once and I was captured. You will be too. So please: Listen. And repeat.
Tuesday, February 16
Baby Peanut Update: 18 Weeks, 3 Days
As of today, Baby Peanut is officially 18 weeks and 3 days along, or, according to BabyCenter, the size of a bell pepper or large mango. (Pet peeve: Why do baby development Web sites use various forms of food to describe a growing baby's size? I find it especially humorous in my case as I am still having trouble keeping some food down.)
Here's a quick rundown of this week's developmental highlights:
- Size: Approx. 5 1/2 inches long and 7 ounces in weight
- Ears are now in final position
- Cartilage in the body is forming into bone
- Baby is now more in control over movements - i.e. more noticeable small kicks that I started feeling a couple of weeks ago and am loving :)
Mark next Monday, 2/22 on your calendar which will be a monumentous day in our house: It's the day I officially explain to Hunter that he's getting either a brother or sister... and NOT a fire truck as he keeps requesting.
Monday, February 15
Friday, February 12
And You Thought You Had It Rough
How about going out to brush off your car and not being able to distinguish it from a small ski hill?
Behold the sight Meredith encountered this week in DC. Luckily she was finally able to ID her Olds via the license plate but can only imagine how many she had to clear off first. Now THAT is what I call a snow emergency.
Wednesday, February 10
Be My (Our) Valentine
Speaking of hearts, it was a timely discovery that brought about this week's craft projects -- Valentines for a local senior center. See, this adorable gift shop in Berkley (Michigan, not Cali mind you) called Catching Fireflies is collecting homemade Valentines to distribute. In turn, families are gifted with a fun magnet, but really the gifting is in the service itself.
So, paper doilies were purchased, a little Valentine greeting was written on the back of them, they were affixed to the opposite side of our Sticker Time creations and voila! Our homemade Valentines.
End Note: Anytime HWB is able to wield a glue stick is a superior day in his book.
Thursday, February 4
Baby Love: Bo Kolter Skelton
Monday, February 1
Fort-Making, by HWB
So... What's New?
* Found out I was pregnant
* Confirmed I was pregnant with an actual, medical practitioner (no offense EPT)
* Got laid off from my job of 5.5 years one day following said visit to medical practitioner (classy nod on the part of Fate and Karma if you ask me)
* Completed all of my 2009 New Year Resolutions except for that pesky 'lose 15 pounds' one. Please see aforementioned pregnancy to confirm why this resolution will be carried over to 2010.
* Read 9 books (no seriously -- ask for my reading list)
* Redecorated the basement and adjacent playroom
* Sent my resume to virtually every advertising-related company in the Detroit area
* Became a stay-at-home-mom or SAHM <-- please keep this term in your glossary for future postings
* Lost 3 pounds (thank you Baby Peanut)
* Gained 3 pounds (thank you multiple packages of Valentine's Day candy conversation hearts)
* Spent time doing the circuit of SAHM activities in the name of entertaining a toddler (Read: Ikea, mall play areas, playdates, library story times, etc)
* Re-taught self how to knit in effort to meet one 2010 New Year Resolution
* Visited Indianapolis and Louisville (thanks to our new, highly-entertaining in-car DVD player for HWB)
* Memorized the words to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Chuggington and Handy Manny TV show theme songs... please don't get me started
* Brushed up my knowledge of all working and emergency-type vehicles in order to hold conversations with HWB
* Started a monthly Breakfast Club with my girlies in order to have some much-needed adult time
* Began watching The Bachelor (I mean, REALLY)
* Rediscovered my love for soft pretzels, and
* Slowly reintroduced foods back into my diet that are NOT cereal, bread or yogurt (again, Baby Peanut)
So all in all, it's been a quiet 3 months... riiiight. But no, we haven't had a bad break-up, and yes, the sabbatical is over. So enjoy it. I know I will.