Yes, I know it's been a while. After a 3-month blogging sabbatical, I've found myself constructing many (ok, hundreds) of posts in my head, but never having a free moment to log them in. And I know what you're thinking there -- what the H have you been doing for the past 3 months? Well it's simple really:
* Found out I was pregnant
* Confirmed I was pregnant with an actual, medical practitioner (no offense EPT)
* Got laid off from my job of 5.5 years one day following said visit to medical practitioner (classy nod on the part of Fate and Karma if you ask me)
* Completed all of my 2009 New Year Resolutions except for that pesky 'lose 15 pounds' one. Please see aforementioned pregnancy to confirm why this resolution will be carried over to 2010.
* Read 9 books (no seriously -- ask for my reading list)
* Redecorated the basement and adjacent playroom
* Sent my resume to virtually every advertising-related company in the Detroit area
* Became a stay-at-home-mom or SAHM <-- please keep this term in your glossary for future postings
* Lost 3 pounds (thank you Baby Peanut)
* Gained 3 pounds (thank you multiple packages of Valentine's Day candy conversation hearts)
* Spent time doing the circuit of SAHM activities in the name of entertaining a toddler (Read: Ikea, mall play areas, playdates, library story times, etc)
* Re-taught self how to knit in effort to meet one 2010 New Year Resolution
* Visited Indianapolis and Louisville (thanks to our new, highly-entertaining in-car DVD player for HWB)
* Memorized the words to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Chuggington and Handy Manny TV show theme songs... please don't get me started
* Brushed up my knowledge of all working and emergency-type vehicles in order to hold conversations with HWB
* Started a monthly Breakfast Club with my girlies in order to have some much-needed adult time
* Began watching The Bachelor (I mean, REALLY)
* Rediscovered my love for soft pretzels, and
* Slowly reintroduced foods back into my diet that are NOT cereal, bread or yogurt (again, Baby Peanut)
So all in all, it's been a quiet 3 months... riiiight. But no, we haven't had a bad break-up, and yes, the sabbatical is over. So enjoy it. I know I will.
Thank god...I was getting really annoyed every time I opened this page to see HWB and saw "anthropologie...blah blah" still at the top of this page!
Congrats- hope to see you guys again soon :)
J - very excited to see you're back to blogging. A void in my work day blog rotation has been filled again!
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