Things We Are Loving This Week
- Hearing car noises from HWB's room at 5 o'clock in the morning
- H's latest words and phrases: 'Blinky' truck (i.e. any truck with flashers on), iwannagoOUTside!, mommy, what you DOIN'?, caller-pitter (caterpillar)
- Being informed that every bridge we pass under is 'not a choo-choo bridge, that's a MACK TRUCK bridge!'
- Finding worms in the dirt in the backyard, picking them up and racing them across the lawn screaming 'LOOKIT! I FOUND A SNAKE!'
- Officially entering the 3rd trimester! Here's to being 28 weeks and 3 days preggers with Baby Peanut.
- Getting a weekend to just Brad and I (and special thanks to my mom for playing host to HWB for Friday and Saturday night this past weekend)
- Test driving new cars... and then realizing my Mazda lease is up in 2, not 3 months. Um, yikes! Ford Edge, here we come.
- Homemade yogurt parfaits and Pellegrino -- this week's baby food cravings
- My latest LPOTD sighting... and giggling at the fact that on any other vehicle, this would have been highly inappropriate:

- Enjoying a Saturday a.m. breakfast at what may be one of my favorite new restaurants: what crepe in Royal Oak was flawless, from the adorable menus fashioned from French record jackets to the delicious goodness that was my Sweet Cheese with Baked Apple Crepe

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