Thursday, February 18

The Little Hearts Project

I wanted to take a moment and dedicate a quick post to my sister-in-law's new blog, The Little Hearts Project. From my perspective (and after constantly electing our friends to new service projects -- just ask Laura or Katie about sweating it out in 85-degree weather to build a children's playscape!), Holly's blog has a vision right after my own heart. Let me do a quick cut and paste on the mission statement of The Little Hearts Project:

"Ideas and inspirations to help instill into the hearts of young children compassion, kindness and the value of giving to others."

I am so passionate about the message this blog represents that you'll notice I've also added a link to it on the left sidebar under the heading "Blogs We're Loving". Even if you don't have little ones in your home, you know someone who does -- and I hope you'll encourage them to check it out.

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