Things We Are Loving This Week
- Little baby kicks and flutters, courtesy of Baby Peanut
- Being greeted at the end of a workday with MOMMY!!!! shouted from across the daycare
- H's latest words and phrases: lookitlookitTHAT!seethat?YOUSEETHAT?, (said with utter enthusiasm) 'um, OKAY!!'
- Planning for our 5-year anniversary trip: Savannah? Big Sur? Or Mexico?
- This week's random pregnancy cravings: raspberry sorbet and slices of challah
- The return of spring Mom2Mom sales, with the finest pickings starting at a mere 25 cents. I am LOVING this little gem for Baby Peanut's 2nd official Michigan football season (Ryann/Christian: Seriously ladies, try to contain your excitement!)

- The expectation of new music from She And Him: due out Tuesday, 3/23
- My new job and my new team. They're utterly fantastic!
- The anticipation of Baby Stropp's arrival to our dear friends, Heath and Dee
- Watching Brad embrace his new passion: running. I've never been more proud of someone accomplishing a 12-mile 'jog'
- The presence of Time Magazine in Detroit. Reading all they chronicle is enough for the people of southeast Michigan to realize action is needed in order to transform this great city.
- Cadbury Mini Eggs... and receiving a care package from my mom containing multiple packets of them
- Prepping the yard for spring... and finally purchasing these adorable herb garden markers from a faved Etsy seller

...and perhaps a LIKE button for those garden markers! ha ha
Big Jet Plane needs a DISLIKE button for that cheerleader get-up.
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