Monday, January 26

The Weekend Recap

Another fun weekend for the Bobenmoyer books...

Friday: HWB was having a hard time falling asleep so he and I just cuddled in his rocking chair until about 9pm. Brad was so beat he hit the hay early and I got to watch TV (*only my shows!*) until late.

Saturday: I lived it up in an early-a.m. yoga class (although my rib cage is punishing me for so many downward dog poses now). Brad had to work so Hunter and I ventured to Great Lakes Crossing Mall to walk around and I bought him a new rock 'n' roll tee.

Miss Lyssa arrived around 6:45 and we headed over to Ronin in Royal Oak for some sushi and to celebrate Eric's 30th bday. HAPPY BELATED BDAY ERIC!!! I think E is still mad at me for posting this picture of him to his Facebook page last week. Ah, the remnants of the Ugly Holiday Sweater Party! This he will never live down. :)

But no, E was in good spirits, as was everyone else minus me who was being a bit grumpy (if you don't believe me, ask Brad). After a pretty nominal bar & sushi tab, we departed Ronin and headed to The Emory in Ferndale. Now a few of you may remember the restaurant formerly known as The Press Box that Brad and I used to frequent when we lived in the 'Old, Old' apartment <-- referring not to the 'Old' apartment on Oakdale near the church but rather the apartment prior to that in the old manor building above the salon (thus, 2 apartments ago, i.e. 'Old, Old.') After what seemed like a 2-year closure, The Press Box spot opened into a swanky, Soho-style sushi bar known as Ronin. Emory was smoky and we weren't able to stay long as we needed to get back to Miss Lyssa.

Sunday: Brad departed for a city that will only be known as Jeanine's Personal Hell: Columbus, Ohio. He's there giving a lecture to an MBA and an undergrad class and from the progress I've heard, things are going well! He arrives home late tonight (Monday). In the meantime, Hunter and I headed with Carlee and Ethan to a new place called Jungle Java. Check it out: SO cute although crazy busy yesterday. It's an indoor playspace for kids coupled with a coffee bar for parents. Carlee and I spent the 1.5 hours chasing the boys around and keeping them from the Big Kid section where we were certain they'd be mauled or trampled. It was insane!

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