We enjoyed a fairly tame weekend aside from my prized iPhone going on the fritz and my beloved Wolverines falling to those lowly Illini... ah well, at least we made a mockery out of the Badgers (said to get a rise out of my father-in-law ;P). Now repeat after me everyone: REBUILDING YEAR, REBUILDING YEAR...
The Royal Oak area was fortunate on Friday evening to have Disney swarm in on the community with character showings, bounce houses, a drive-in movie (fabulous idea!!! Hopefully the city of RO will adapt this concept full-time?) and vacation giveaways. Little Man was pretty tired but scored a yellow Mickey Ear balloon out of the whole deal.
Side note: Whatever happened to drive-ins? The only one I recall on record is the Cherry Bowl Drive-In in Benzie County (i.e. 'Up North' <-- perhaps Brad's most hated terminology of our beautiful Mitten State). Mom packed PJ and I into the Suburban and we headed to the Cherry Bowl. Was that the time we saw the movie Twins? PJ will have to correct me on that. Back to the weekend... Saturday: Watched the debacle of a football game at Bryn and Holly's. The picture above is what happens when Brad starts poking fun at Rich Rodriguez... Hunter and Schuler attack! Had a blast with the Skelton clan though (am including Case and Kate in that bunch). Can't believe Baby Bean is going to be here in 2 months! Holly looks great and Schu was more than happy to announce she is going to be a 'SIS-TAH!' :)
On Sunday Brad headed to the studio for a TV edit while H and I hit the grocery store. How fabulous is it by the way to complete your entire grocery trip, be standing in the checkout lane and realize that horrible smell emanating through the checkout aisle is in fact YOUR SON??? I had to ditch our groceries STAT and go change him in the car. For such a little guy he definitely knows how to make a great big, smelly mess! Finally, after Brad returned we snuck downtown past all the Lions traffic to peruse The Heidelberg Project in Detroit. (Web site: http://www.heidelberg.org/) THP is an artistic outdoor experience; a block of perhaps one of the most interesting platforms of recycled expression, literally.

Most of the 'collections' for lack of a better term incorporate items discovered on the streets of Detroit -- shoes, wayward stuffed animals, tires, etc but when placed with other like items, take on more of a modern community of sorts. Very compelling to stumble across in this hardened Detroit neighborhood. I encourage you to visit the Web site and see more -- you'll be interested to learn this small block actually become the subject of a well-received HBO documentary.
So that's it -- what did you do this weekend?
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