Take last weekend for example: Another fun time in the Bobenmoyer household.
Friday: Brad and I put Little Man to bed and caught up on our movie viewing with Forgetting Sarah Marshall. In a nutshell, blah. And surprising given it was coming from Judd Apatow -- typically we find his efforts pretty funny but this one seemed like it was written by the machine and definitely 50 minutes too long. At least we've seen it and can cross it off the list but if one wants to debate the better part of the plotline with me... I'm out. But let me definitely mention that Brad surprised me by making the most delectable, amazing, mouth-watering lobster macaroni and cheese EVER. Laura came over on Monday night to help me devour the leftovers.
Saturday: Let's just say I'm petitioning the new President to officially expunge Saturday, October 11, 2008 from the record. And if you have anything to comment on perhaps a football game that hypothetically would have taken place that day, please refer to my aforementioned REALLY?! commentary. E and Laura came over for dinner and to help distract me by throwing in Iron Man to watch. Not bad!
Sunday: BDB's 32nd bday kicked off with a trip to pick out our pumpkins at Miller's Big Red. HWB had a blast! And if you like this picture, you'll love the 8 others it took to capture this exact pose of our little Squirmy Worm. ;)
This little 'Stinkerpot' face as I put it is definitely HWB's clever, I'm-too-cute-so-don't-look-while-I-stick-my-toys-in-the-garbage-can act he's putting on lately. But with that scrunched up nose, who can resist?
We left Hunter with Miss Lyssa and hit Royal Oak for some football viewing and beer drinking (some of us more than others, ahem Bradley Douglas!). Had a nice turnout to celebrate Brad's bday though and ended the night with some sliders and chocolate malts at Comet Burger in the RO. Even Hunter joined us for that part!
Well, it's late and I should try to catch some zz's while I can. It's Planning Month on my account right now and it is quite the energy zapper. :P Love to you all!
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