Another fun-filled weekend! On Saturday, we joined Bo/Sandra, Pat/Katie and Heath/Dee at the Renaissance Festival for some seriously wild people watching. Never have there been so many inappropriately dressed adults under one thatched roof, er, medieval playscape: It was like one giant Disneyland for crazed Robin Hood wannabes.
Most of our party enjoyed large Turkey Legs for lunch, I kept it cool with a corn dog.

Yes, those are men dressed like pirates behind Katie's shining face. I made her pose like I was taking her pic to capture them... I think Hunter loved his first trip to the Renaissance Festival -- we alternated from the stroller to being held by Mommy to Daddy's shoulders just so he could get the best view.
On Sunday we hit the Ferndale Art Fair, especially the DIY (Do It Yourself) section. So cool and some inspiring ideas for my next projects: Bags made out of construction netting, buttons created out of bits of State of Michigan map, tie-dyed baby clothes (loved them!) and the cutest line called PopArtMonkey. Watch out mama-to-be's... the most adorable bibs! I didn't get any pictures, but you can see some of their products here (www.popartmonkey.com).

And THEN, Michael and Katie -- from California fame -- stopped by for a visit. It's been almost a year since we saw them last and it was so exciting to see Baby Majerus too. He/She will be making the debut in February. Here's Michael getting some baby-holding practice in with Munchkin. Brad and I were putting in our plug for the 2 of them to consider moving back to Michigan, so consider this my electronic plea: We miss you guys!!! :)

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