Wednesday, September 10

Olivu... Do You?

Stumbled across a true gem today: On a 3-hour break from the conferencing madness, my co-worker Mervit and I discovered Olivu, this amazing little boutique in downtown Sheboygan.

Olivu features make-it-yourself body products like lotions, face masks and sugar scrubs that you customzie as your own by adding fragrant oils, herbs, etc. to. Naturally I stocked up.

The store is adorable -- almost as though I had created it myself. Very clean feel; equipped with a mod-looking kitchen and countertops where all of the alchemy takes place. The owner wasn't in but the clerk was proud to inform us she was actually filming a segment for HGTV! What a bright concept: would definitely go over gangbusters in the RO... I may be in the wrong business...

Check them out!

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