Tuesday, July 28

It's Maddening I Tell You

Since the hubs and I are a power duo of advertising sorts, we have a vested interest in AMC's show Mad Men (Season 3 is FINALLY making a return August 16th... about time!).

For Brad, I'm sure the show's close-to-the-heart business ventures are what draws him. But for me? The fashion. I mean seriously: Anywhere that makes good on a tube of red lipstick and beautifully coifed blonde curls followed by a stylish trumpet skirt is A+ in my book. Oh, and the glimpse into 1950s advertising politics and ever-changing plotlines aren't half bad either.

Imagine my thrill in breaking for 10 minutes from my own Mad Men scenarios and indulging in: Mad Men Yourself, a fun viral site allowing people to create a Mad Men-inspired image of themselves...

Here's Brad wheeling and dealing with Don Draper. Naturally that's an Old Fashioned affixed to his left hand:

And here I am fashionably strutting into the Sterling Cooper office, having already imbibed half of my a.m. martini:

Go ahead and click on the photos for a better look at the full scene. OR, just try it yourself right here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heh this was fun! Nicole told me she did herself and Jean_Pierre so I dove in. Nifty keen!