No seriously... I don't. It's the only way to get things done sometimes!
But the real reason I'm writing now is to inform you of what a fabulous (note: sarcasm) weekend it ended up being... On Friday, I arrived home to no power! It actually had gone out before I left for work in the a.m. -- someone actually ran into the transformer at the end of the street -- and still hadn't been fixed when I got home at 6:15. We made a valiant attempt to sleep at Eric and Laura's that night and opted to let H sleep in bed with us vs. his pack and play (last time we EVER make that mistake again) and I awoke at 1:45am to H hitting me and declaring 'Eh-mo!' (Elmo) and wanting to play. Was able to placate him for a little while but at 4:45am got out of bed, packed him in the car and started driving around so he'd go back to sleep. Luckily as I swung by the house, our power had returned so I plopped him in bed and tried to get some shut-eye of my own. I don't think I've ever cried at the sight of the illumination of our porch light before, but was so delirious with sleep deprivation at that point that I wept.
Saturday was a bit of a haze that even a venti chai from Starbucks could hardly hold off. But it did. We met up with Carlee, Neal and Ethan for dinner at Bastone only to get turned away with a 45 minute wait (um, excuse me 22-year-old hostess who can't seem to make any eye contact with me and is more interested in chatting up her waiter friend but have YOU tried to contain 2 toddlers for 45 minutes in a 2x2 foot area???! NO thanks). We ended up at Mr. B's in Royal Oak which couldn't have been more perfect. The boys sat in the middle of the table and stared at one another chowing chicken tenders and corn dogs. H ate vanilla pudding for the first time in his life and loved it. Saturday night = about 5.5 hours of sleep.

Sunday's the day you typically get to relax and enjoy each other and for the most part, we did. No AIGS stories other than H having an extremely loud screeching contest with ... himself. I didn't think it a big deal until the man next to me in Meats said 'whoa buddy! You're the loudest baby I've met this week!' Maybe it was because my eardrums had been bleeding since Aisle 6 and were now padded with fluid that I didn't seem to notice (or care?).
Did some repairs around the house -- Brad finally solved the mystery of the crazy blowing heater vent in the bathroom and installed our new programmable thermostat.
Fixed a nice Baked Penne with Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Chicken dish for dinner Sunday night and then chased H around for a little while before getting him ready for bed. Wouldn't you know it, on our last round of the island he spilled and took a direct hit to the upper lip? Here's a quick pic of our little prize fighter:
H started crying around 10:30pm. Brad was with him until 12:30am (I was tucked safely away in bed) until I threw off the covers to relieve Brad and realized... it was totally fricking freezing in the house. Sure enough, new thermostat read 64 degrees. No wonder H was screaming. Let's just say this War of the Thermostat raged on until 4:45 when we finally realized our new toy had a self-adjust feature to 64 degrees on Sunday nights only. Nothing like reading a manual via flashlight with 2 hours of sleep to your name.
Needless to say, I was too sleep-deprived to function at work yesterday so I instead opted to stay home and rest. AND do a little laundry.
So here I am after my non-restful 3-day weekend wishing Friday could creep up a little sooner...
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