Things We Are Loving This Week
- "It'sSTUCKinthere!": Hunter's latest phrase, which incidentally applies to more situations/things than you'd think
- H's latest 4-syllable words: mowercycle, hela-coper, and ahl-a-gayter
- Early morning runs with Becks
- An early write in from Brad: King-sized Reese's
- Grizzly Bear's Yellow House
- This wonderfully touching tribute to a masterful director, John Hughes
- Re-discovering HBO's Entourage and falling in love with Thomas Jane's Hung (based in Detroit no less!)... in our opinion, they're totally worth the $15 increase to our cable bill
- Planning Hunter's 2nd birthday bash (where has the time gone?)
- These beautiful earrings from Anthropologie

- Starting my re-collection of the now defunct Domino magazine (I say 're-collection' because at one time, before The Great Recycle Effort, I owned all of the 2005-2007 issues)
- Sleeping 8 hours a night. Every night. (Thanks HWB!)
- The countdown: 23 days until Michigan football season
- Celebrating Papa's birthday, rain be damned and all
- My new favorite blog: Dooce. Her Daily Chuck feature is worth the glance and is slightly inspirational for a Daily Becks knock-off on our own blog. :)
- Fresh, homegrown basil
- Rounding out the summer in style with lazy days spent at home in the backyard, long walks in the neighborhood and weekly stops for ice cream
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