- Sunday: Xmas Dinner at my Dad's
- Monday: Benito's Pizza Carryout
- Tuesday: Herbed Chicken and Dumplings Soup
- Wednesday: *Special* New Year's Eve Dinner <-- Brad and I have yet to figure this out
- Thursday: Football Food for Bowl Games! Sausage Cups, Bacon-Wrapped Water Chestnuts and Pizza Rolls
- Friday: Hoping to have a Brad/Jeanine Date Night
- Saturday: Tofu Steaks with Red Pepper Walnut Sauce
Tuesday, December 30
The Week's Menu
Lots of updates to come -- especially with all of the fun to report from the past week of holiday excitement -- but in the meantime, Butch my father-in-law reminded me it's been a while since I posted the weekly menu. Let that stomach growl unleash!
Friday, December 19
Baby It's Cold Outside
I'm a bit snowed in at work and realized in all of my year-end madness, I haven't had a chance to blog too much. Here are a bunch of random updates though!
- We're getting hit with about 8" of snow today and you'd think the world was ending the way the weathermen dominate every second of airtime. Forget any of the national news occurring -- hello! Bush finally took some medication for his Senioritis and decided he may as well do something about the auto industry -- it's all weather all the time on TV right now. Hell, I could make a living as a weather person right now "Yup Sheila, it's really snowing out here! There's snow on the road, snow covering cars, snow on trees..." REALLY GENIUS? The good news is my bro Uncle Juniper will be able to enjoy a true White Christmas at home. :)
- Took my last vacation day this past Monday and had a blast Martha Stewart-ing it up in the kitchen (no that's not actually a verb but I just made it one). Made 8 loaves of pumpkin pecan bread, 8 jars of bath scrubs, 3 batches of truffles and packaged them up for my team members at work. Take a look at the countertop:
- Following that, I had the extreme pleasure of meeting our new niece, Brier (pronounced Bry-er). She is just SO tiny and it makes me realize that... Hunter was never this small! Okay so obviously he was at some point but I sure don't seem to remember that! Here are two quick pics of her all bundled up:
- I have yet to post about the fun we had Thanksgiving Weekend at the Macaroni/Cheese and Wine Festival up north but never fear@! I just downloaded the pics from the digital cam and will get those up in a bit.
- Saturday was our annual Bobenmoyer Holiday Dinner Party and we opted to put a bit of a twist on it this year with a Bad Holiday Sweater theme. And everyone had SO much fun with it! Here are the Nevilles, Serdas and Stropps all posing by the Xmas tree but we forgot to snap one of Brad and I! Just know Brad was donning his Grinch t-shirt. :)
- The menu consisted of sausage and sage stuffed mushrooms, mint ravioli with goat cheese, rosemary and garlic breadsticks, whiskey-marinated beef tenderloin, sweet onion relish and a gingersnap-pear cheesecake. (SFX: Stomach growl)
- The next couple weeks will be family-filled and we are so excited to host Butch/Susan, Ross, my mom, PJ, Bill/Cherry for some time over the vacation. We will forego our usual venture to Indianapolis this holiday season as it conflicted with other family plans but hopefully will be able to jaunt down at some point later this Spring.
- In the meantime, here's a little video to leave you with -- it's HWB and his first 'real' encounter with the Christmas tree. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 18
Happy Birthday Brad... Pitt!
Sunday, December 14
Congratulations Bryn and Holly!
I'm excited to announce that Brier Mae Skelton was born Friday, 12/12 (and on her due date!) around 3:00pm. Brier (pronounced Bry-er) weighed 8 lbs and was 20 inches tall. Am hoping to see her tomorrow on my day off so stay tuned for some pictures.
In the meantime, congrats Bryn, Holly and Big Sis Schuler!
In the meantime, congrats Bryn, Holly and Big Sis Schuler!
Friday, December 12
My Cup Runneth Over...

Last night was my company's annual holiday party, and this year it was hosted at the Henry Ford Museum. Being that I reside in the world of advertising, 'dressing up' for work these days typically means throwing on your good jeans with a non-wrinkled shirt and some fun boots. So it's always a blast to see my fellow co-workers donning their holiday best and glamming it up with a nice glass of wine.
We're currently in an environment where jobs are being lost, families are forced to move or face uncertainty and luxuries are questionable. My office laid off 13 folks last week and there are many agencies in our area pending layoffs as well. It's a troubling time for the Detroit market especially with the auto bailout failing and hopeful for a Presidential approval.
Sometimes I find myself feeling guilty for my happiness -- a husband I love, a son I adore, a job that's secure and a family life that makes me happy in my heart. And truly, my cup runneth over last night. I was awarded the Head, Heart and Funnybone Award by my office, a recognition they appoint once a year.
What does it mean aside from a killer parking spot? It means I'm excited to continue infusing some passion and advocacy into this Agency. We do have the power and strength to affect some change and positivity not only within our walls but our market and yes, this charge needs a leader. I humbly accept.
Friday, December 5
Wednesday, December 3
Laughter Is The Best Medicine... Courtesy of HWB
Good morning everyone! Hunter and I were having a ticklefest last night and I managed to record his big belly laugh for about :30. Thought you might enjoy listening to it -- definitely perked up my morning.
Hit up this link for the download -- it will only be available online for 10 days: http://5.recordertheapp.com/2051787138755872879.
Hit up this link for the download -- it will only be available online for 10 days: http://5.recordertheapp.com/2051787138755872879.
Tuesday, December 2
The 15-Month Checkup Deets
WOW! How is HWB 15 months old already?? Had the 15-month check-up this morning and we have one healthy Little Man on our hands, that's for sure. HUGE relief as you can imagine because it was just this time last year that his breathing started going all haywire.
Dr. Dodge was greeted this morning by Hunter throwing Kleenex boxes from the drawers in Room #6 and then trying to pull off his diaper. Fortunately all crises were averted and we found out that:
Dr. Dodge was greeted this morning by Hunter throwing Kleenex boxes from the drawers in Room #6 and then trying to pull off his diaper. Fortunately all crises were averted and we found out that:
- HWB is in the 90th percentile for height and weight (27 lbs, 10 oz and 32 1/2" tall)
- His lungs and heart sound really good
- All developmental skills are on track
- All around, a healthy boy!
He did receive 2 shots to which he screamed bloody murder but quieted down after getting a helping of his favorite Tylenol flavor (grape). Of course, watching him get shots takes a good 10 years off my life... note to self: Brad will take HWB for his 18-month checkup in March.
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