My dear readers. What a time it has been since we last checked in with each other. We moved. The kiddos grew. I gained a few pounds, lost a few pounds. We gained a new Pope. Ryan Gosling gained a new girlfriend. Blogger still has the same boring old fonts. Really all the crucial things are being touched on here.
In actuality though, it's been quite some time. And a few changes are ahead for this joint.
First, a new moniker. Momista. I hope you like it... and if you don't, well, I do. So it's stickin' around. It defines me - a mom. A fashionista. A momista if you will.
Second, yes we'll shop-talk the mom-stuff but I'm not going to bold-face lie to you my friends. I'm not a supermom nor will I pretend to be one. We all make mistakes. (Case in point: I failed to realize last Friday was Pajama Day at H's school. So I became the mom barging into the school storytime carrying Are these matching Toy Story jammie tops with a Hasn't he outgrown these jammie bottoms.) And I'll share those out from time to time because frankly, it's cathartic.
Third, my kiddos names and some personal details will remain just that - mine. Sure, if you dig through you'll be able to figure things out but moving forward = mine. (ALL MINE, MWAH AH AH.)
So let's get this show on the road.